“It was a great event, we’ll always keep you in mind when returning to Budapest!” Nikki Kramer, QAD, Director of Global Events
Client request:
Spy theme easy-going farewell party
Number of participants:
200 people
So, our client agreed on a spy theme for the farewell party and of course, the first thing came to our mind was James Bond. However when you’re in Budapest, why would you import an idea when the city has its own version of spy history? Juicy stories of trust and mischief influenced by Cold War time KGB offices and communist double agents. First things first, we set the lights red and started looking for 70s military decoration.
Guests arrived at 7 pm and each of them received a card with a secret mission to complete by the end of the night next to their welcome drink. Someone to spy on. Following their retro-style supper, they enjoyed the show of a truly mesmerizing magician on stage who pulled surprising tricks followed by a smoky, ultracool blues band. We installed a Communist photo wall with fun accessorize to capture the mood for eternity (see some pictures below of our team). And the farewell party didn’t stop – secret invitations were circling the event hall for a secret speakeasy finissage in the next-door bar to end a very cool corporate event!
The event had the perfect combination of a cool theme, a very matching/inspiring location and a creative/supportive UG team.
The main challenge is to please the guests at your best and create someting innovative at the same time.
By prepared for the unexpected too, plus letting go visualization approach.
Guests were amazed by the authentic experience that was not only performed by visuals and set up but by the well selected catering service too.